Long Xuyen Rice Menu

Long Xuyen Rice Menu

If you are looking for a restaurant with a menu of Long Xuyen groups for your group, delicious meals, diverse dishes, reasonable prices, you can refer to the menu below that we're recommending Long Xuyen.
The Chau Khuong Restaurant has many flexible prices to serve tourists, tour groups. The space of a 3-star restaurant, with delicious taste, beautiful layout, will satisfy you. 
The food combines with many flavors of river specialties. The restaurant has many dishes that many tourists from far away want to go to the Southwestern region to try these dishes.
Besides, visitors can order group rice in the form of a la carte dishes. In any way, the restaurant is also willing to serve you, the food is ready before mealtime, as long as customers come to the restaurant, they have dishes waiting for you, saving you time for tour groups need to move.  Chau Khuong Restaurant's located inside the Chau Khuong Hotel building, at 02 Ha Hoang Ho Street, My Xuyen, Long Xuyen city, An Giang. Below is some contact information you can contact for advice and early reservation. Refer to some of the menus that the restaurant is offering visitors. It's our pleasure to serve you.
The writer
Siha Sokheng

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